Tech Together:
Recession Edition

May 2024
Online, and irl: NYC, Seattle, Toronto

The tech industry and job market is rough right now and if you're going through it, you are not alone. And it's even more important to not neglect your mental health and wellbeing during this time.

Join us for some impactful programming throughout the month of May. Let's make true connections that matter, dive into real conversations, and build a space where everyone feels included.

Inclusive. Free.

Recently laid off, or currently employed but still anxious about job security? These aren't your regular tech events. Join us for a variety of *fun* sessions and activities that span across these three key pillars.

Community Building

Mental Wellness

Physical Health

Check out all events

*there's plenty more events being added, so click the button above!

You're not alone.

Want to connect beyond the events? We're a gathering spot for tech professionals facing similar challenges. Let's navigate the ups and downs together.

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*currently somewhat empty... so you gotta join ok?? (please)

Some gentle reminders.

If you needed a sign, here it is.

You are not your job. Your value is not derived from what you do for work. Some things are just completely out of your control. You could be the juiciest peach in the world and someone could still hate peaches. Every "successful" person has countless rejections you don't see. Yes, you are ambitious and hardworking and yes, you could still use a break. Layoff bias, and workplace survivor syndrome is real. There are people that care about you and your wellbeing - regardless of what you have achieved. One step at a time. The sun is out. You're doing great.